Lineages and Honors of the California National Guard
149th Armor Regiment
Organized 5 August 1895 in the California
National Guard at Salinas as Troop C, Cavalry
Redesignated 1 May 1911 as Troop C, 1st
Squadron of Cavalry
Mustered into Federal service 26 June
1916 at Sacramento; mustered out of Federal service 17 November
1916 at Los Angeles
Drafted into Federal service 5 November
Reorganized and redesignated 3 October
1917 as Company B, 145th Machine Gun Battalion, an element of
the 40th Division
Demobilized 20 May 1919 at the Presidio
of San Francisco, California
Reorganized and Federally recognized 18
June 1924 in the California National Guard at Salinas as the
40th Tank Company and assigned to the 40th Division
Reorganized and redesignated 1 September
1940 as Company C, 194th Tank Battalion, and relieved from assignment
to the 40th Division
Inducted into Federal service 10 February
1941 at Salinas
Surrendered 9 April 1942 to the Japanese
14th Army in the Philippine Islands
Inactivated 2 April 1946 in the Philippine
Expanded and redesignated 21 June 1946
as the 199th Tank Battalion
Reorganized and Federally recognized 27
May 1947 with Headquarters at Salinas
Reorganized and redesignated 1 February
1949 as the 149th Heavy Tank Battalion and assigned to the 49th
Infantry Division
Reorganized and redesignated 1 September
1950 as the 149th Tank Battalion
Consolidated 1 May 1959 with the 170th
Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion (see ANNEX) and consolidated
unit reorganized and redesignated as the 149th Armor, a parent
regiment under the Combat Arms Regimental System, to consist
of the 1st Medium Tank Battalion and the 2d Reconnaissance Squadron,
elements of the 49th Infantry Division
Reorganized 1 March 1963 to consist of
the 1st and 3d Battalions, elements of the 49th Infantry Division,
and the 4th Medium Tank Battalion
Reorganized 1 April 1964 to consist of
the 1st and 3d Battalions, elements of the 49th Infantry Division,
and the 4th Battalion
Reorganized 29 January 1968 to consist
of the 1st Battalion
Reorganized 13 January 1974 to consist
of the 1st Battalion, an element of the 40th Infantry Division
Withdrawn 19 January 1988 from the Combat
Arms Regimental System and reorganized under the United States
Army Regimental System
(1st Battalion ordered into active Federal
service 1 May 1992 at home stations; released 9 May 1992 from
active Federal service and reverted to state control)
Constituted 13 July 1946 in the California
National Guard as the 118th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron,
Organized and Federally recognized 8 June
1949 as the 118th Mechanized Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron,
with Headquarters at Red Bluff
Reorganized and redesignated 15 September
1949 as the 2d Battalion, 111th Armored Cavalry
Converted and redesignated 1 June 1954
as the 170th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion
Participation Credit
World War I
Streamer without inscription
World War II
Philippine Islands
Company C (Santa Cruz), 1st Battalion,
additionally entitled to:
World War II
Aleutian Islands
Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer embroidered DEFENSE
Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer
embroidered LUZON 1941-1942
Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer
Philippine Presidential Unit Citation,
Streamer embroidered 7 DECEMBER 1941 TO 10 MAY 1942
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