Military Responses to Disasters
Avalanche Control, 1962 &1963
National Guard Response, March 1962
In March 1962, using a jeep-mounted 105mm recoilless rifle, Guardsmen of the 2nd Battle Group, 184th Infantry, fired at a 60 foot high, 200 foot long cornice of ice and snow threatening traffic on a mile-long stretch of U.S. Highway 50 in the high Sierras. The highway was closed and from 1,500 yards, six shots were fired at the base of the cornice, breaking thousands of tons of ice, snow and rocks loose in a massive slide which the California Department of Public Works, Division of Highways (now California Department of Transportation or CalTrans) then moved to reopen the highway.

Source: 1960-1962 Biennial Report of the Adjutant General of the State of California
News Articles, 13 January 1963
Sacramento Bee
Images of Operation Avalance
California Military Department Historical Collection






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