How the California
Naval Militia Broke the World's Record at Target Practice
From the San Francisco Call 1 September
California Naval
Militia training ship USS Marblehead (C-11)
The California State Naval Militia was this year given the first
real chance that ever came its way to show what it could do and
it rose to the occasion by breaking a world's record. When news
of the marvelous shooting by the crew of the Marblehead was telegraphed
from the north It was supposed even by friends of the militia
that the report had been sent out as a practical joke or that
the conditions under which the record was achieved had been made
so easy that hitting the target was a mere matter of form. But
it was a real record and it was made under conditions of unusual
difficulty. When a ship of the regular navy goes on the target
range the battery equipment is as nearly perfect as unlimited
means and the infinite care of highly skilled specialists can
make It- The gun crews, from the men who take the shells out
of the ammunition racks in the magazines to the men who spot
the shots, take to their task the precision and confidence born
of months of individual instruction and collective work. The
United States Navy probably can outshoot the world.
But until the Marblehead turned out those perfect scores the
naval militia has never been seriously considered. The Marblehead
record was made with guns whose mechanism was faulty and with
ammunition that a navy board would have condemned as unfit for
use. Even the gun sights were in such condition that they afforded
merely a hazy suggestion of the target instead of the clear,
sharp impression that In the navy is considered essential to
good marksmanship. The only previous preparation for the trial
was the ping pong practice in the armories of the different divisions,
and even that was limited to two evenings a week for a few months
prior to the cruise. For all these handicaps, however, the Marblehead
record was not a fluke, and when the story of the first real
cruise of the California State Naval Militia goes to Washington
and is properly digested there will follow a revolution in the
management of the naval militia throughout the country which
will give to the naval arm. of the country's military strength
a second line of support that in time of trouble will be a real
help. The annual cruise of the naval militia, until this year,
has been a sort of yachting excursion and devoted more to sightseeing
than to the practical work for which it was intended.
The Navy Department has always detailed an officer of the Regular
Navy to accompany the militiamen on their annual cruise to advise
and instruct and to make a report on conditions as he found them.
As he was detailed for the period of the cruise only, he went
on board knowing nothing of the needs of the citizen sailors.
By the time he discovered their shortcoming's the cruise was
over and the militiamen left to their own devices for another
year. This year, however, the Navy Department detailed Lieutenant
Benjamin G. Barthalow, who is stationed in San Francisco in charge
of the branch hydrographic office, as instructor to the naval
militia of California some months before the annual cruise. Barthalow
is one of the famous man handlers of the Navy. He won fame as
an athlete in his Naval Academy days, and today, as a baseball
fanatic, he would make Spike Slattery look like a disinterested
observer. He plays the game at every opportunity, and is more
at home sliding to first on his abdomen than drinking Russian
tea in anybody's parlor. On the USS Dolphin, in 1904, he commanded
the best gun division in the Navy. He was Just the man for the
job of instructor, and he went to work as soon as he was detailed.
He visited the various state divisions, talked with the officers
and men and outlined the work that would be attempted on the
summer cruise. , For nearly four months he devoted two nights
a week here and in other parts of the state to directing the
work of the militiamen. He picked out the gun crews and in training
they gave them the full benefit of his experience. It will be
news to many to know that one can learn in an armory how to fire
a big gun at a moving target. They have guns In the armories
of the same caliber as the guns on the ship. The firing in the
armory is done with a 22 caliber rifle superimposed on the big
gun, but swung, elevated and depressed by the mechanism of the
big gun and aimed through the big gun sights. A small, moving
target takes the place of the big target. In fact, the actual
conditions of target practice at sea are reproduced in miniature,
and it was thus that the men behind the Marblehead's guns became
sufficiently proficient to break a world's record. The cruise
of the Marblehead began July 6, when the divisions of the state,
naval militia from San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Santa
Cruz and San Francisco reported on board, ready for duty. In
the Regular Navy, when a new crew reports on a ship, no attempt
is made to take that ship to sea until after a few days of "shaking
On the Marblehead there was no time for anything like this. At
10 p. m. the word was passed to get under way, and 15 minutes
later the cruiser was headed for the Golden gate. This, in view
of the fact that the men were landsmen, strangers to each other
and new to the ship, was something of a record in itself.
Shortly before the Marblehead sailed, word was received from
the Navy Department that there could be no target practice this
year, as they were too busy at the navy yards to build a target
for the militiamen and no vessel could be spared to lay out the
target range. This took the heart out of the men who had been
devoting their spare time to the work in the armories. After
consulting with the militiamen, however, Lieutenant Barthalow
telegraphed to Washington to the effect that if the necessary
permission was forthcoming the militiamen would build their own
target and lay out their own range, and when he assumed responsibility
for the work being done in strict accord with naval regulations,
the department told him to go ahead. Off Humboldt Bay the Eureka
Division was picked up from a tug and taken aboard. All the way
to the Columbia River very heavy weather was experienced. There
was some seasickness and much discomfort, owing to the fact that
there were more men on the ship than could be properly accommodated
below decks. Seasickness was soon forgotten in the Interest of
the drills which ware in progress all the time. During the run
to the Columbia River heavy seas broke over the bow, carrying
away a ventilator and the capstan's head. In spite of the fact
that it was dangerous to go on the forecastle head, when the
order was given to secure the wreckage, three of the militiamen
Jumped out and did the work in a seamanlike manner.
Going up the Columbia River, a number of saluting charges were
fired with the big guns to test the gun pointers for gun shyness,
a test that could not be made In the armories. The lumber for
the target raft had been bought in San Francisco, and when the
ship arrived at Portland it was decided to build the target there
and tow it to Puget Sound. In the regular navy the building of
a target raft is a several days' job. Seven hours after the rough
lumber from the Marblehead was put Into the water the raft was
finished and the target rigged ready for use. In speaking of
this Lieutenant Barthalow says: "This was remarkable work,
as the men were handicapped by the swells from passing steamers-
and smaller craft. But they stuck to the job until it was finished,
as the ship had to sail at daylight the next day. I attribute
this feat-and it feat, believe me-to the ability of the crew,
their enthusiasm for their first target practice, and to the
splendid ability of Chief Boatswain Schnalle and Chief Carpenter
Stange, who were always on deck when there was anything to be
done-and there was always plenty to be done." At 6 o'clock
the next morning the Marblehead started down the Columbia River
at a 10 knot gait with the target in tow. All went well until
the Marblehead had crossed out over the bar. There was a heavy
sea running and the pilot, while waiting for his boat near the
lightship, allowed the raft to get under the cruiser's quarter.
The towing bridle fouled one of the Marblehead's propellers,
and to save the ship from serious trouble the raft had to be
cut adrift. Night was coming on and in the sea that was running
it seemed like an impossible task to pick up that raft. No raft
meant no target practice, and the militiamen begged to be allowed
to make the attempt. By using oil on the water it was found possible
to lower the whale boat, and after an hour's struggle the raft
was picked up and once more taken in tow. The cruiser arrived
at Port Angeles with the raft in first class condition, and July
14, under Lieutenant Barthalow's direction, a regulation 1,600
yard range was laid out. When the Regular Navy lays out a target
range several vessels are employed in the work and several days
devoted to it. The men of the California State Naval Militia
did the work in two hours and without any outside assistance.
The guns were then bore sighted and the time had come when the
naval militia was face to face with the chance for which It had
been waiting for 20 years.
On the Marblehead were 45 gun pointers, all armory trained and
all trained within little more than three months. It was the
naval militia's first target practice, but all went to work with
the coolness of old hands. Repair boats, spotters and other details
were arranged and all hands were sent to their stations with
full instructions. The first shot was fired with the starboard
three-pounder. It went just over the target, but was a good line
shot. A trial shot from the after four-Inch gun "hit the
target and a shot from the forward four-Inch did the same. The
ship then steamed around and started on the range at a speed
of eight knots. The pointer firing the first string put the first
six shots through the target, the last, one being a little short,
hitting In front of the target.
The forward four-Inch fired the next string and the first five
shots were misses. The spotters had not yet got on to their Job.
But they were learning rapidly. The last two shots hit the target,
going through No. 2 square. Then came the deluge. After this
it was not a matter of hitting the target, but of seeing how
close they could corns to the bull's-eye. The next eight strings
and the first five shots of the eleventh string were all hits.
Sixty-three hits in succession!
Captain George Bauer, C. N. M, commanding the Marblehead, was
wreathed in smiles. He noted with surprise a look of something
akin to dismay on the face of one of his officers. "What's
the matter?" asked the captain. "Doesn't this suit
you?" "Betcher life it suits me!" was the enthusiastic
answer, "but who ' the devil's goin' to believe we did it?
That's what makes me sore. With the four-inch guns the naval
militiamen made a percentage of 91 per cent, and with the three
pounders, which are more difficult of manipulation, the percentage
was 85 per cent. San Francisco gave the militiamen a great reception
when the Marblehead came home. Mayor Rolph sent a personal representative
to welcome them back and congratulate them on their success on
the range, and there was a triumphal march from the water front
to the armory on Van Ness Avenue. But the really big results
of this demonstration of efficiency will come later. Lieutenant
Barthalow is going on with the work of Instruction and getting
ready for the next cruise. Officers and men of the organization
are working with enthusiasm, which has been still further fanned
by the promise that powerful Influences are already at work to
secure for the naval militia of California a real big fighting
machine, a modern cruiser-probably the St. Louis or the Pennsylvania-and
that next year there will be room for every member of the naval
militia on board the ship that carries them on their summer cruise.
The officers of the Marblehead on this cruise were Captain
George W. Bauer. commanding; Lieutenant Commander George
S. Kammerer, executive officer; Lieutenant John A. McGee, ordnance
offlcer; Lieutenant William A. Speck, chief engineer, and Lieutenants
J. T. McMillan (navigator), H. Pierre .Smith, T. B. Harloe, D.
M. Stewart, A. H. Woodbine, G. E. Link, A. B. Adams. B. H. Dorcy,
H. A Leopold, C J. Bauer and J. A. Armstrong, Ensigns E. M. Mosbacher,
C. S. Hendry, W. C. Tooze, A. Barton, L. S. Holm and J. F. Smith,
Paymaster C. C. Dennis, Chief Surgeon T. B. W. Leland, Assistant
Surgeons John Gallagher, A. J. Murietta and J. P. Dugall, Chief,
Boatswain R. Schnalle