Historic Posts, Camps, Stations and Airfields
Camp Dimond, 1888, 1890 & 1894
(Camp Miles, 1890; Camp Shafter, 1890; and Camp at Santa Cruz [Camp Gage], 1901)
19-26 August, 1888
Extracted from the 1888-1890 Report of The Adjutant General:
The Third Regiment of Infantry encamped at Santa Cruz from August nineteenth to twenty-sixth. This camp was named “Camp Dimond" in honor of Major-General W. H. Dimond, commanding Division, N. G. C. There was an average attendance during the eight days of two hundred and sixty-six


11-18 August 1890
Temporary training camps colocated one mile west of Santa Cruz for the following regiments of the National Guard of California (NGC):
  • Camp Dimond: 5th Infantry Regiment. Named for Maj. Gen. William Henry Dimon, Division Commander, NGC
  • Camp Miles: 1st Artillery Regiment. Named for Maj. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, then Commanding General, Department of the Pacific, US Army.
  • Camp Shafter: 6th Infantry Regiment. Named for Col. (later Maj. Gen.) William R. Shafter, Commander, 1st Infantry Regiment, US Army.
    16-24 June 1894
    Located in Santa Cruz, Camp Dimond was a temporary "summer camp" location for the California National Guard that operated from 16 to 24 June 1894. The camp was named for Major General William Henry Dimond, former division commander of the National Guard of California. Only the 1st Infantry Regiment from San Francisco is currently identified as being at this camp.
    The site was again used in June 1901 as an encampment for the National Guard and Naval Militia.
    Map of the Levega Heights Range and Training Area, Santa Cruz. From 1900-1902 Biennial Report of the Adjutant General of California
    Additional Online Histories:
    Report of the Mobilization at Santa Cruz, California of the Division of the National Guard of California (1901)
    Major General William Henry Dimond
    Superintendent of the United States Mint, San Francisco, is a man of self-reliance and firmness of purpose, possessing the natural traits for a wise leadership. He has attained a success in his business career in this city of which even the most sanguine might be justly proud. He located here in 1868, and since that time has been prominently identified with the best interests of both city and State.
    General Dimond’s ancestors settled in America in colonial days. He belongs to the eighth generation in this country from Captain Thomas Dimond, who located in Fairfield county, Connecticut, and in his veins runs the blood of both the Puritan and Hollander. The family name was originally Dimon, and is so spelt in old archives. The General’s father was a native of Connecticut and his mother of New York State. His ancestors were opposed to tyranny and oppression of any form, and in the various conflicts of this country took fitting part. His father was educated for the ministry of the Congregational Church, and in the 30s, when there was an urgent call for missionaries to many fields of labor, the Rev. Mr. Dimond was among the first to respond. He and his wife were among the first American missionaries to the Sandwich Islands, and since that early day their labor has been continuous.
    In the Sandwich Islands General Dimond was born. He was educated at the College of Oahu, on the island of that name. After completing his studies he entered a mercantile house and became familiar with business transactions. He was so engaged when news of the civil war in this country reached his home. As tidings of the struggle grew more mournful for those attached to the Union, young Dimond’s patriotic instincts were aroused, and hastily adjusting his affairs, he came to the United States. Arriving in Washington in 1864, he was appointed by President Lincoln, Assistant Adjutant-General on General Saxton’s staff, Department of the South. This was an independent command, and was in service in South Carolina and that section, with headquarters at Beaufort, where he served until the close of the war.
    After the war General Dimond married a daughter of Mr. Charles Merriam, of Springfield, Massachusetts, of the publishing house of G. &. C. Merriam, publishers of Webster’s Dictionary. He traveled extensively in Europe afterwards, and in 1866 returned to the islands. His wife’s health would not permit of a permanent resident there, however, and in consequence he came to this city, locating here in 1868, as already stated. Mrs. Dimond, who had endeared herself to all who knew her, recently died in this city.
    Shortly after his arrival here, he began a connection with the Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company. Some time after the company sold out to Huntingdon, Hopkins & Co., and he transferred to the latter firm. He remained with them about a year, when he entered the firm of Williams, Blanchard & Co. This firm subsequently became Williams, Dimond & Co., and since the General’s entrance into the firm its business has been materially extended. It is now one of the most important mercantile houses in this metropolis.
    General Dimond’s connection with the National Guard of California dates from the time of Governor Perkins. He was appointed A. D. C. on his staff. When General McComb retired he was tendered the command of the Second Brigade, N. G. C., which he accepted. By Governor Waterman he was appointed Division Commander, N. G. C., and re-appointed by Governor Markham, which position he now fills. Since his connection with this organization his labors have been unremitting in behalf of it.
    He is a Knight Templar, a member of the Golden State Commandery, belongs to the I. O. O. F., and A. O. U. W., K. of P., and also the Union League. He is also First Vice-President of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
    In politics General Dimond has always been a consistent Republican. He was very prominently mentioned in connection with the Governorship of the State, and, in fact, received a large share of the votes of the convention which met at Los Angeles, without great effort on his part. During the last presidential contest General Dimond was Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee. He is universally popular not only with his own party but with others as well, and in his present position, as Superintendent of the Mint, has the confidence and respect of all.
    Such is an epitome of the life of one of San Francisco’s most worthy citizens.
    Transcribed by 11-5-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.
    Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 164-165, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.
    Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 91, Number 113, 19 June 1896
    They Will Start for San Francisco To-Day.
    Adjutant-General Barrett is in receipt of a telegram from General Dimond's son announcing the General's death in New York yesterday, and stating that he will start to-day from New York with his father's remains. Adjutant-General Barrett will send a guard of honor, consisting of an officer and twelve men, to Reno, to meet the party and escort the body to San Francisco, where it will be buried with the proper military honors. The flags on the State Capitol and other buildings were at half-mast yesterday out of respect to the deceased. The military service of Major-General W. H. Dimond in the National Guard of California was as follows: Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel anjd Aid-de-Camp, staff of the Command-er-in-Chief, George C. Perkins, January 20, 1880; promoted Brigadier-General, Second Brigade, N. G. C, December 14, 1881; reappointed Brigadier-General, Second Brigade, N. G. C, January 30, 1883; reappointed Brigadier-Gen-eral, Second Brigade, January 7, 18S7; Promoted Major-General, N. G. C, September 28, 1887; reappointed MajorGeneral, N. G. C, April .x, 1801; reappointed Major-General. N. G. C, May 5, 1895. Was still serving at the time cf his death.
    He was appointed in New York, Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General of United States Volunteers, March .'!. 1865; resigned July 8th the same year. He was also Captain of a cavalry company in Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

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