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Early California
The Mormon Battalion : U.S. Army of the West, 1846-1847
by Norma Baldwin Ricketts
Paperback - 400 pages (October 1996)
Utah State University Press
Midwest Book Review: From the Mexican War to the discovery of gold in California, there were few major events in the history of the Far West from 1846 to 1849 that did not involve the Mormon Battalion. Norma Rickett's The Mormon Battalion: U. S. Army Of The West, 1846-1848 is the first complete history of this wide-ranging, but heretofore almost forgotten, army unit, restoring it to its uniquely central place in the history of the American West. Several informative appendices are also featured including an analysis of movement within the Mormon Battalion, an alphabetically reconstructed roster of the Mormon volunteers, military documents, the Mormon Battalion in music and poetry, and much more. A useful bibliography and a subject index further enhance the value of this benchmark publication. Norma Ricketts' The Mormon Battalion combines the scrupulousness of an historical scholar with a born story-teller's ability to showcase history for contemporary readers. The Mormon Battalion is an immensely valuable contribution to Mormon studies and Western American history reading lists.
Historical Atlas of California
by Warren A. Beck and Ynez D. Hasse
Paperback, Published by the University Of Oklahoma Press 1975
A good basic book in California history. An outstanding collection of maps of maps tracing the routes of early Spanish and Mexican explorers, early Indian wars, the Bear Flag revolt, and other items of interest to California historians.
Regulars in the Redwoods: The U.S. Army in Northern California 1852-1861
by William F. Strobridge
Hardcover. Published by Harold H. Clark 1994
A history of the US Army in Northern California between the Gold Rush and the Civil War

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Updated 8 February 2016