California Militia and National Guard Unit Histories
Grass Valley Home Guard
(46th Company, California Home Guard)
The following article was copied from the December 22, 1917 issue of California Home Guard News

Captain, J. E. Middleton
First Lieutenant, R. S. Turman
Second Lieutenant, J. T. Turner

Forty-sixth Company , California Home Guards, Grass Valley, California, is duly organized under the laws of California, and is now a well-established defense unit, with a personnel possessing the necessary enthusiasm and morale for efficient service. During its four months of existence the company has drilled and studied with diligence and has acquired a fair degree of proficiency.
The organization is distinctly volunteer and patriotic. No pressure was bought upon any one to join. Thus all of the members are members because they felt impelled to offer some tangible service to their State and country at this critical time. The roll includes business and professional men, engineers, miners and artisans, all working together in the greatest harmony.
So far the company has no arms, but through the courtesy of the Grass Valley Rifle Club it has been permitted to use rifles issued to that organization by the Government, thus greatly facilitating the study of the manual of arms. Plans for complete equipment, both arms and uniforms, are being worked out with every prospect of their early consummation.

Drills are held twice each week, with officers' school at regular intervals. Discipline is strictly maintained and no member is permitted to absent himself from drill without permission.

Considerable advantage has accrued from the fact that all of the officers had previous military experience.

The company is composed largely of men who are not permitted to participate either in the enlistments or the selective draft by reason of the age limits, but who feel that they are still physically capable of military service. Our thought is to be ready-ready for any call with which the Governor of California may honor us. To this end we purpose to build and maintain an organization which will do credit to the executive and to the State in any emergency which may arise.
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Updated 8 February 2016