California Militia and National Guard Unit Histories
Healdsburg Home Guard
(25th Company, California Home Guard)
The following article was copied from the December 22, 1917 issue of California Home Guard News

Date of Commission, December 7, 1917

Captain, C. W. COMSTOCK
First Lieutenant, C. P. MILLER
Second Lieutenant, E. B. DEAKIN

Our active list contains about 50 names. We are constantly losing men, our best men, of course, by enlistment and draft, but so far have been able to muster a sufficient number to take their places. The Chamber of Commerce of Healdsburg presented us with a lease of an armory and a local military fraternal order have loaned us their arms, so we have been able to drill regardless of weather and so vary the work as to hold the interest of our men. We have decided also to purchase our own uniforms. Have about one-third of the necessary money and every one is working diligently to raise the balance. Dances, basketball, pool table, rifle range, personal subscriptions from one
always ready, patriotic citizens will make up the amount we still need.

We are making our armory a gathering place for the men. It is open every evening from 7:30 to 11:30. Each man is assigned to duty, thus having to be on duty only about once in two weeks. I am proud to say to you that I am with a live bunch of boys and am sure the 25th Company will be a success.
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Updated 8 February 2016