California Militia and National Guard Unit Histories
Madera Home Guard
(39th Company, California Home Guard)
The following article was copied from the December 22, 1917 issue of California Home Guard News.

Date of Commission, July 27, 1917

Captain, CON LYMAN
First Lieutenant, J. F. SCOTT
Second Lieutenant, Wm. H. SLATA

All of the officers have seen service in the regular army during the Spanish-American War.
Drills are held weekly on the street during the good weather and in the auditorium rainy nights. It is gratifying to report that all of the boys who have left- our company in answer to this country's call have profited greatly by these drills. We are proud to say that twenty-one of our members are now serving their country and every man has
written home urging the boys to keep up the drills, which will be of great benefit to them should they enter the army.
Out of the twenty-one members enlisted, six have been made officers: one first lieutenant, one first sergeant, four corporals.
The 39th Company has always taken an active part in entertaining the drafted boys and escorting them to the trains oil the days of their departure. The company is now planning a Red Cross benefit ball. The membership at present is 43; owing to enlistment and some of the members moving away, the numbers have fallen off. We have enrolled 14 new members during the past month. The company was presented with a silk flag by the churches of the city.
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Updated 8 February 2016