Online Bookstore
The Mexican War
The U.S.-Mexican War
by Thomas and Carol Christiansen
Paperback. Bay Books 1998
The war that President Grant called "the most unjust . . . ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation" is explored by Mexican and American scholars in this fully illustrated companion to the powerful four-part PBS series. 280 photos, 30 in color.
California Conquered: The Annexation of a Mexican Province, 1846-1850
by Neal Harlow
Paperback. University of California Press. 1989
Mr. Polk's Army: The American Military Experience in the Mexican War
by Richard B. Winders
Hardcover. Texas A&M University Press. 1997
Drawing on numerous diaries, journals, and reminiscences, Richard Bruce Winders presents the daily life of soldiers at war; links the army to the society that produced it; shares his impressions of the soldiers he "met" along the way; and concludes that American participants in the Mexican War shared a common experience, no matter their rank or place of service. Taking a "new" military history approach, Mr. Polk's Army: The American Military Experience in the Mexican War examines the cultural, social, and political aspects of the regular and volunteer forces that made up the army of 1846-48, presents the organizational framework of the army, and introduces the different styles of leadership exhibited by Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott
Polk: The Diary of a Presidency, 1845-1849, Covering the Mexican War, The Acquisition of Oregon and the Conquest of California and the Southwest
by President James K. Polk
Hardcover. Reprint Services Corp. 1991
The title says it all.
Bear Flag Rising: The Conquest of California, 1846
by Dale L. Walker
Hardcover. Forge Press, Julyy 1999
On June 14, 1846, a band of rebels calling themselves "Osos"--their name inspired by grizzly bears whose "fighting spirit" they admired--gathered in the plaza of Sonoma, California. At dawn that day, they had ridden into the town and occupied it, forcing the Mexican Colonel Vallejo to surrender. In celebration of their bloodless victory, the rebels fashioned a flag bearing their emblem: a brown bear on a white field, a red stripe along the bottom and a red star in the upper corner, and the words "California Republic"--painted in pokeberry juice. The Osos cheered as the Bear Flag was raised for the first time.
Dale L. Walker's Bear Flag Rising tells how America wrested California from Mexico, and the events that changed the map of the U.S. more radically than any event after the Louisiana Purchase. Walker enlivens California's already colorful history with capsule biographies of the heroic villains and villainous heroes that populated the area. Notable among these are Commodore Robert Field Stockton and General Stephen Watts Kearny, both ostensibly with the same purpose--to claim California and fulfill America's Manifest Destiny--but with differing methods and goals. Caught between the rival conquerors' enormous egos, celebrated explorer John Charles Frémont ended up with his career (and, possibly, his life) in danger. Thoroughly researched, engagingly written, Bear Flag Rising is an excellent addition to the growing list of books on the American West. --Sunny Delaney,
Historical Atlas of California
by Warren A. Beck and Ynez D. Hasse
Paperback, Published by the University Of Oklahoma Press 1975
A good basic book in California history. An outstanding collection of maps of maps tracing the routes of early Spanish and Mexican explorers, early Indian wars, the Bear Flag revolt, and other items of interest to California historians.


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Updated 30 April 2020