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California's Indian Wars
Discovery of the Yosemite and the Indian War of 1851 Which Led to That Event
by Lafayette Houghton, Bunnell, Hand Johnston (Designer), Steven P. Medley (Editor)
Paperback - 315 pages (December 1991)
Yosemite Assn; ISBN:
Hell with the Fire Out: A History of the Modoc War
by Arthur Quinn
Paperback. Faber and Faber Oublishing. 1998
History Editor's Recommended Book:The American war against the Modoc people of northern California and southern Oregon, fought in 1869-72, has long been overshadowed by other campaigns in the Indian Wars. Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, and Cochise made the standard history books, but Captain Jack of the Modoc did not, although his contributions as a leader of his people were as great as those of his more famous peers. Arthur Quinn rectifies this oversight by writing a vivid history of the Modoc War. He notes that the campaign against the Modocs was not universally popular among white residents of the region, that it split the Modoc people into opposing camps, and that it was fought in a difficult landscape of mountains and lava beds. It had, that is, all the hallmarks of classic guerrilla wars. As in other guerrilla wars, Quinn notes, the Americans suffered heavy losses, while Modoc deaths were few in battle but heavy in the aftermath of military and vigilante atrocities. --This text refers to the hardcover edition of this title

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Updated 8 February 2016