California Militia and National Guard Unit Histories
Motor Corps Unit No. 1
California Home Guard/California Military Reserve

San Diego’s All-Women Motor Corps Drove Influenza Patients during World War I
by Merrie Monteagudo, Research Director, San Diego Union-Tribune

On this day in 1918, the first suspected cases what was called the Spanish Influenza were detected locally among sailors at the Navy training camp in Balboa Park. The next day, the Army’s Camp Kearny (present-day
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar) was added to the list of affected military camps.
Among the many affected by the 1918-1919 flu epidemic in San Diego were the women of California Motor Corps Unit No. 1.
The corps was first organized in July 1918 by Eva Bird Bosworth and Ethel B. Doyle, who served as its first captain. Women of the unit hauled salvage and served as drivers and messengers. During the flu epidemic, the Motor Corps provided ambulance service to influenza patients.
The all-women’s Motor Corp was mustered into military service of the State of California at Balboa Stadium in San Diego as California Motor Corps Unit No. 1, California Home Guard. It was the one of only two women’s motor corps unit in the country to be mustered into military service during World War I, and the only one in California.
From the San Diego Evening Tribune, Wednesday, 25 September 1918:
Twenty women without automobiles are needed in the motor truck department of the California motor corps. Heretofore only recruits with cars have been needed, but Lieut. L. M. Kennett of this department has sent out an urgent appeal for more women. the work of the corps has increased so materially during the last month that the new members enlisted cannot keep pace with the additional work demanded of the corps.
Recruits with cars are also needed. Any girls or women interested in the motor corps are urged to call at the office of the United States National bank building and get full information concerning the work of the corps. The new recruits will be required to take the automobile classes, the first aid and to attend drill three times a week.
Saturday, the motor corps wil participate in the Liberty Loan parade. Little Maria Theresa Kreme, the pretty macot of the corps, garbed in the regulation motor corps uniform, will lead the corps. She will ride one of the Army horses.
Extract from the San Diego Union, Sunday, 19 January 1919:

Before an interested audience of several thousand civilians and sailors of the Naval Training Camp, the California Motor Corps [Unit] No. 1 of the California Military Reserve, the only organization in this state and one of the two in the United States to receive official recognition from a state government, was inspected for the last time and mustered out at Balboa Park yesterday afternoon...
The following totals partially summarize the activities of the organization in the period between Aug. 21, 1918, and Jan. 15, 1919:
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Scrap Book California Revealed

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Written 26 September 2021
Posted 29 September 2021