Historic California Posts, Camps, Stations and Airfields
Naval Receiving Hospital, San Francisco
(Fleet Hospital 113)
Crocker-Amazon Park
Established: 1934 It started out in 1933 as the Crocker Amazon Reservoir site, 55 acres at Geneva Avenue and Moscow Street belonging to the Public Utilities Commission. In 1934, the Recreation Commission requested and received permission to develop the property for recreational purposes, and truck farmers, who had been working the land, were paid for their leases. The Recreation Commission leased 42 acres for $150 per month. From 1934-1937, workers from the WPA (Works Progress Administration) developed the playground, grading the baseball diamonds and installing a sprinkler system. During the war years, the Navy commissioned the property for a hospital. When the Navy vacated the site in 1946, it was turned over to the San Francisco Housing Authority to provide housing for veterans during the post- war housing shortage. Crocker Amazon was reborn as a playground when, in 1957, the PUC granted the Recreation and Park Commission the right to 'occupy, use and improve it.' In the ensuing dispute over who would be responsible for its restoration, the job fell to the SF Housing Authority and the PUC.
Source: San Francisco Parks Alliance
Online Histories
Fleet Hospital 113 Yearbook
Of Ships & Surgeons: Notes on Maritime Medicine – Past and Present
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Updated 8 February 2016