California Militia and National Guard Unit Histories
Redwood City Home Guard
(30th Company, California Home Guard)
The Redwood City Home Guard (1918). Shown in this photgraph are members of the Redwood City Home Guard lined up on Main Street for a parade. The Home Guard was a militia organized during World War I to protect local towns in case of attack on home soil. The photograph was taken on 10 November 1918, one day before Germany surrendered. (Redwood City Public Library)
The following article was copied from the December 22, 1917 issue of California Home Guard News

First Lieutenant, W. S. BAKER, JR.
Second Lieutenant, W. J. GRAEF

Regarding our company, when we started we had seventy-five members but on account of draft, enlistments and not being able to keep up we are down to some forty-five members, but after the first of the year we are going after more recruits to get the company up to seventy-five again. We drill regularly on Thursday nights at the gymnasium, the use of which was kindly donated by the trustees of the school, and we have a drill on Tuesday nights for any who wish to come.
Our average attendance at the regular drill is thirty or thirty-five and at the volunteer drill ten to twenty. We have no uniforms at present, but have wooden guns. The members contribute 25 cents per month for small expenses.

Captain C. G. Landscheit was formerly with the Grenadier Guards, London. First Lieutenant W. S. Baker, Jr., was formerly with the Seventh Regular National Guards of New York. Second Lieutenant W. J. Graef, late of the U. S. Artillery.
Lieutenant Zollinger, late of the Home Guard Company of Palo Alto and formerly of the National Guard, and who is up-to-date on United States tactics, is drillmaster for the present, and until we become more proficient.


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Updated 8 February 2016