California Militia and National Guard Unit Histories
Santa Rosa Home Guard
(3d Company, California Home Guard)
The following article was copied from the December 22, 1917 issue of California Home Guard News.

Captain Jerry Claypool, of the Santa Rosa Home Guard, Third Company, is a veteran of the service. Jerry became a private in Company E, 5th Regiment, 2d Brigade, National Guard of California; served in the Spanish-American War as a "top" soldier first. He became second lieutenant in 1899 and later was chosen first lieutenant and
was mustered out by the expiration of his time in 1904. As first sergeant of Company E at the Presidio, Claypool won the confidence and esteem of all of the men under his command.

When the citizen soldiers of Santa Rosa were called into active service, Company E was merged into the Eighth California Regiment and its members were on active duty.
for eight months. When the company returned at the close of the Spanish War, Company E was the first company to reorganize into the National Guard of California, due to the efforts of Captain Claypool.


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Updated 8 February 2016