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The Spanish American War
Empire by Default: The Spanish American War and the Dawn of the American Century
by Ivan Musicant
Hardcover. Published by Henry Holt and Company 1998
American History Editor's Recommended Book: On the centennial of the Spanish-American War, the short and confusing conflict receives comprehensive treatment in a narrative of more than 600 pages. At the close of the 19th century, Americans were looking outward at the world. In a precursor to the foreign involvement of the next century the U.S. Navy found itself fighting in the Philippines, and the infantry (and Theodore Roosevelt's volunteer cavalrymen) entered combat (and battle illness) on the island of Cuba. The Spanish-American War has often been overlooked as an oddity, but those who want to understand its role in American history now have access to what may stand as the definitive history of the war that led to the United States being regarded as a world power.
The Rough Riders
by President Theodore Roosevelt
Hardcover. Taylor Publishing. 1997
This reprint of Theodore Roosevelt's classic 1899 memoir of the Spanish-American War presents a publishing watermark for American history buffs. In addition to Roosevelt's original text, this expanded volume includes a biographical sketch of the former president, approximately 175 historical illustrations including an 8-page color insert, and a new Epilogue.

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Updated 8 February 2016