California Militia and National Guard Unit Histories
Suisun Home Guard
(1st Company, California Home Guard)
The following article was copied from the December 22, 1917 issue of California Home Guard News

This company has the proud distinction of being the first company organized in the State.
The officers are Captain Chas. E. Goodell and First Lieutenant W. W. Cunningham Captain Goodell was an officer of the First California Regiment that served in the Philippines, so this company is well provided for in the way of an instructor. Lieutenant Cunningham served many years in the U. S. Navy and National Guard, so he is well qualified as an assistant to Capt. Goodell.

Have a membership of over fifty good enthusiasts, so that it is a pleasure to work with them. The company is armed, and arrangements has just been made for uniforms.

What we need is the proper recognition support and co-operation, and we could at all times render a good account of ourselves. Recently Colonel Canon and other officers from San Francisco attended our meeting and drill, and they had nothing but words of praise for the work that we are doing It has put new life in the company, and all are now working with increased energy


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Updated 8 February 2016