California Militia and National Guard Unit Histories
Sunnyvale Home Guard
(62d Company, California Home Guard)
The following letter was copied from the December 22, 1917 issue of California Home Guard News

Captain, A. J. Thedieck
First Lieutenant, C. C. Coleman
Second Lieutenant, Edward J. Tait
First Sergeant, Charles W. Parkman
Leo H. Vishoot
Anson S. Palmer
W.J. Coates
Fred Thews
Frank White
Porter Kimball
George Compton
Musician, Ellis Meineke

Captain A. J. Thedieck writes

I am very glad to co-operate with you fully in all matters touching the California Home Guard, and trust that you will be free to call upon me at any time I can be of service.

The 62d Company has been drilling regularly each Wednesday evening since the organization was completed. Some of the members have had military service in the regular army of the United States, and almost all of the members have had military training to some extent; that is to say, some time prior to the organization of our company I had organized in Sunnyvale a company of so-called provisional volunteers, in pursuance of a plan to organize a regiment of volunteers from the counties of Santa Clara, San Mateo, Santa Cruz and Monterey. That was just prior to the enactment of the Draft Law. The company was drilled each week for a period of about three months or more, but, of course, when the Draft Law came into effect the company disintegrated. Most of the members of the 62d Company as now organized belonged to the volunteer company and received considerable training.

The 62d Company was organized with a membership of forty. We have been conducting weekly drills, and weekly officers' and non-commissioned officers' school. A great deal of interest is manifest, but I must confess that there is little hope of maintaining interest, and little hope of keeping the company together unless the State of California supports the Guards. I mean to say that, without arms and equipment, including uniforms, official recognition, and means to enforce respect and obedience, the California Home Guard is of no use whatsoever, and a detriment rather than a help to the State of California. I would ask if the State of California is so impoverished that it cannot adequately and promptly, and with military precision, equip and accouter military units of the character of the California Home Guard. These units are coinposed of men in various walks of life; from bankers, lawyers, doctors, mechanics and artisans, to the man who sweats for his bread; and each one is willing, I may say anxious, to serve his State and nation to his utmost capacity.

I am very hopeful that our most esteemed Governor of our State, in view of present circumstances especially, will grant such recognition to, and fill the expectations of, the California Home Guard.


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