California Militia and National Guard Units
Independent Military Companies: Swiss Sharpshooters
An undated image of an officer of the San Francisco based Swiss Sharpshooters. This unit was what was termed an "independent military company", that is an organized militia that is not part of the California's official organized militia (i.e., California Militia, California National Guard, etc.)
During the mid-nineteenth century there were dozens of such units within San Francisco County. Many were formed in the many ethic communities (i.e. French, German, Mexican, African American, etc.) while others from former California Militia units that were mustered out of state service when the California Militia became the California National Guard in 1866.
It is thought that like official militia and later National Guard units, this unit was subject to the call of local authorities such as the Sheriff of San Francisco County.
Records on file at the California Secretary of State indicated that the company formed or became a mutual benevolent society on 13 December 1886.
Various San Francisco city directories show that the Swiss Sharpshooters Armory was located at the following locations:


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Updated 8 February 2016